Custom software questions

This is a list of popular questions that most new customer has. Also known as questions to Ask a Custom Software Development Company.

Custom software development questions

What is a custom software?

The software development process is focused to increase business productivity, and attending the unique needs. Needs that can't be attended to by off-the-shelf software.

What is your experience?

We have been working on 3 mayors industries. Including medical, accounting, and warehouse, over the last 6 years. View Customer histories for more details customers Histories.

What is your guarantee?

You don't pay all the money until you get your product. We only request 10% (approximate) of the project cost to start working on, the rest will be paid in the deployment phase. At this point, after months of work, many meetings, and your product on hand, you should feel very happy to pay the rest of the money. We guarantee our work for 2 months (approximate) after the project is done. If you choose our maintenance plan, you will be fully covered.

What we don't guarantee?

We can't offer more changes than the ones presented in the initial agreements. Changes and new ideas will always come up through the delivery process, sadly we can attempt all of them to get the project done on the margin of the cost and time.

What are the Advantages of A Custom Software?

  • You're the leader - You can say exactly what you want and how would like that this works to make it all easier and faster.
  • Efficiency - You don't have to expend time adapting to the software, the software will be adapted to you.
  • Scalability - The software can grow with your organization and face new challenges, you can continue adding features to your system as your company grows or requests.
  • Privacy - Many companies are very concerned about their data and how can see it, they prefer to have everything local, and in this way, they feel more secure.

Disadvantages of custom software?

  • Long time to develop.
  • High initial cost.
  • Need a lot of involvement from the customer.
  • Request maintenance cost.

What are your boundaries?

Data handling is our world, this means that we can do a lot with text, numbers, dates, times, digital signatures, and geo-location tracking, creating algorithms to handle this information according to your requirements. This could be done in all the major operating systems like android, IOS, Windows, and Linux. Including devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and tv. We don't work with the robotic environment, imagens processing, or artificially intelligent.

How will be the communication?

We are proud to say that You will work directly with the engineers from the beginning to the end, with no man in the middle or complex form, this person frequently will visit your location to deliver reports and make reviews. This is our guarantee of clear communication.

How much will be development cost?

This cost could be from few thousand to hundreds of thousands, all depending on your project size and requirements, we need an Before Start Evaluation for this. At this point we can say that you won find hidden costs working with us, we will be completely honest with you from the beginning about how much will be your cost, including potentials cost that doesn’t concern us directly, like equipment, IT maintenance, certificates or licenses that your potential will needs. View networking to see more cost associated.

Do you know that you need a network to run your software?

All the necessary to get your software running smoothly and accessible from everywhere. In case you don't have a networking team, we have seniors networking engineers to help you with this part, including the design and the implementation. View Networking to see more cost associated.

How long will it take?

On average take from 3 months to 1 year to be done, like we said before, it all depends on your project size and requirements, and we need an evaluation for this. View Before Start Evaluation to see more details.

Are you hiring a third-party company to do the job?

No, we don't hire anybody outside of the company to handle the project or the code in any way. All are made by us internally, with high levels of security.

How will be the project tracked?

On the 📜Software Requirement Specification (this is part of Software Development Life Cycle), we'll agree and how this will be done. We like to send weekly reports and get a face-to-face meeting every month, to make sure that we are on the track, and fix any potential error or miss understood in the initial phase. But we're open to any request from the customer side.

How will be security and privacy?

You will get this by writing on a document 📜 Software support agreement (this is part of Software Development Life Cycle) on the deployment phase, where we define all the conditions under which we will access your system, in case need it.

What Happens Afterwards?

Changes, bugs, and improvements are part of every software in the world. In case you have been choosing the maintenance part, small fixes and changes are completely free. In case of large updates, this will request an evaluation and estimation. We also supply a document called 📜 Maintenance manual (this is part of Software Development Life Cycle), in case you decide to use another team in the future to do changes, this document will help us and others to make updates.

This software used third-party libraries.

All our frameworks have been developed by us from scratch, there is no mayors library decency, except for small libraries like: Signature pad - Used for the signature drawings.
ValidatorJS - Validate text field data like date, phone numbers, ssn, etc.
Google maps - Library - Location handler.

Intellectual rights

The customer has the right to update and change their software as they need, even without our intervention in the project is done. But we restrict the distribution and the intellectual copy of our framework. You have full access to your copy, you can handle this as you consider, but you can't make copies or distribute itself, without our concern.

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Do I need custom software Do I need it?
before software development Before Start