Software Development Life Cycle - SDLC

How is the process to develop a software from the beginning to the end?

Custom software life cycle

Before start

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Determinate what are all the project requirements on details and the deliverable that will fulfill those requirements, including:
  • Requirements list.
  • Deliverable list.
  • Cost estimation.
  • Time estimation.
  • Scope estimation.
  • Reports frequency.
  • 📜 Software Requirement Specification (SRS).

Feasibility Study

This is where the upper management of your business takes a detailed look to the SRS document and does an analysis to determine the success probability of the project. On this part, we process to sign agreements and process the initial payment to start working.
📜 Software Requirement Specification (SRS) approved.


  • The prototype is a visual representation of how the software will look and works once it gets done. This is the final review before we start the code.
  • Network infrastructure needs it to run the software, like servers, databases, backups, security, computers, certificates, or licenses, etc.
  • Sometimes this document is deliverable on the Feasibility Study.
  • 📜Prototype - XD | 📜Networking requirements


  • Start working on the code to get the deliverables, this is the longest face of the project.
  • A progressive review will be done for all the stakeholders on the project, on the frequency required for the customer, on this way we're continuously confirming that we going in a good way.
  • Is important to mention, new ideas and improvements will appear as we deliver the project outside of the initial requirements, we have to be clear, we can't attempt them until the project is done, because it could have a huge impact on the project constraints (time, cost and scope). We have been creating a document called New Ideas, where we locate all of them with the idea to analyze once the project is done.
  • 📜Process report | 📜Functional software | 📜New ideas

In-Depth Software Testing

  • Start testing the software with the employees, in a production simulation environment.
  • Including functionality, performance, and security to find bugs in the code and make sure that everything is stable and secure, the prior production phase.
  • 📜Fixes checklist


  • At this point, the network team should have all the networking requirements ready.
  • Set up the application on the right s web server with the database, and security factors.
  • We offer live user training to make sure that they know how to use the system well. We also create a video tutorial, that could be used as a reference.
  • We bring here the new idea analysis to see if complete all of them request a new project or if this could be done on the actual one, depending on the size of them.
  • 📜Stability report | 📜Employment training report | 📜Videos | 📜Project complete agreement | 📜New ideas analysis training

Product Maintenance and Enhancement

  • Every software needs maintenance, including:
    • Backups supervision.
    • Security.
    • Small changes for the software in case you need it.
    • Emergency responses.
    • Updates.
  • We offer a maintenance plan, that includes minor's changes and adjustments.We continue doing testing for 1 month (approximate).We also include a maintenance document, this is a guide about how to make maintenance and changes, in case you decide to use another development team on the future.
  • 📜 Maintenance manual |📜 Software support agreement

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