
Custom Software Services

This is a general view of our mayor’s services.
Take a look at our online demo to see all of them working in real-time.

Cross-platform software.

multiplatform software development
We develop multi-platform solutions.
Our product is capable to work on multiple hardware devices including desktops, tablets, smartphones and Tv's, and on the major operations systems windows, android, and IOS.
When you do business with us, we frequently deliver 3 or more applications.
1. Desktop - for supervisors.
2. Mobile devices - For employees (could be multiples).
3. TV dashboard - For the upper management.
4. Probably another solution for your customers, in case you need.
You will receive a practical app that will adapt to all your employee's stationaries and mobiles. At a much more cost affordable price to develop, maintain and update.

User interface and user experience.

This defines the interaction between human-computers, and how nice you feel working with the software in all aspects. Our solution looks modern, beautiful, and usable. A fulfilling the principles of Material Design.
You don't have to expend time learning our solutions, because our app is intuitive. Users can use our software for a long time, without surfer frustration or fatigated the eye.

File management system

Allow you to organize store and track your digital documents like word, pdf, excel, images, and scanned documents. The best part is that is associated with each entity.
For example, when you add a customer to the system, you also can upload all the files associated with that customer to the customer's profile, like ids, agreements, or important documents, without using third-party software, keeping all in the same place, this is good organization plus.

Realtime synchronization

We use a web socket to keep all our services and devices synchronized in real-time. When a change happens it takes effect immediately on all the others devices in real-time.
Many software doesn’t offer this feature and this could give spaces for inconsistency in the data, for example when two users are editing an element at the same time, or when the user needs to refresh to see changes. This solution solves all those problems.

Digital forms

Include mobile-friendly interface, digital signatures, date and time tracking, error corrections, and GEO location tracking (powered by google maps). The best part is that the data is immediately inserted into the system to be analyzed by load supervision and the dashboards.
Nothing could be more frustrating for a company that deals with paper forms, hard to process, search, and maintain. Sometimes the employees need to retype the data on a computer, this task is very time-consuming and gives space for a lot of errors. This solution solves all those problems.

Custom reports

This allows the essay data analysis from the upper management like circumstances, financial or operations results. Our services include reporting 100% to personalize based on the customer's needs. The customer picks up the data and the format to be exported, like excel, word, or pdf, and we do it for you.

TV dashboard

This is a graphical view of your company KPIs key performance indicators, using charts, graphs, average numbers, warnings, and alerts. This tool works in real-time with the company workload, enhancing decision-making.
Have a tv in front of your desktop, showing an easy way to your company status, giving the upper manager more control over their business.

Tasks automatization

Task automatization software
There are a lot of tasks that could be done by a computer much better and faster than manually handling them. This could include schedule services, customer communication, error corrections, report creation, and more. After a deep understanding of the task, we determine if this is eligible to be done by a code and design the algorithm for that solution.

Load supervision

Loa supervision allows us to create alerts and notifications for all important points in your business, to notify to the right person in case of any problem surge. This notification could be graphical (by dashboard), by sound, email, or mobile text.
For example, let's say that you would like to get a text alert when service is more than five hours later. This is a solution to this kind of problem.

User administration

multiple user platform
Control what each user can read, edit or view. Lock or unlock the account, restart passwords, and see user activity.
For example, you can give access to the system to one user and restring his right to only one view of one entity, without edition rights. In a few words, more control over what each user can do on the system.

Data Migration

data migration
We offer to move all your existing data to the new system developed, including spreadsheets and databases.
We can move all the data to the new system once is this done, avowing the need to retype all the information again to the software.

Network Design

Something equally important as your software is the networking infrastructure that keeps this working. View Network design for more details

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